Comic Book Creation
Let your kids imaginations run wild with these creative scenes (
download all 6 free printables here) to help them write a comic book or get them started on a short story. Share it with friends.

Bonus: We also have this super fun
Story Dice to play with! We even have the blank one for the kids to draw their own picture! (
Free printables also available here)

Tip: have them tell
you the story, as it will help them learn to express themselves.
Grinch Ka-Bobs
via Nourishing Minimalism}
Off to a kid’s holiday party: here’s a quick, easy and fun way to get the kids to help make a cute snack. Because toothpicks are required, we recommend adult or at least an older sibling supervision. See the full instructions
Rainbow Loom Bracelet Contest
An easy way to create gifts for little friends.. It seems to be all the rage and it is a great developmental tool to help kids work with their fingers (and imagination).
Winter Nature Walk
Make up a “what did you see” list of 12 items for kids to find while you take a winter break with a quick 20 – 30 minute walk. It gets the kids outside and looking up and around instead of too much screen time.
Some ideas include:
1. the best decorated house on the street. 2nd, 3rd, etc.
2. trees with no leaves on them
3. a squirrel
4. snow flower
5. cars with decorations
6. most colorful leaf
7. most interesting wreathes on doors
8. decorated mail boxes
9. a lost mitten
10. frozen icicles
11. paper snowflakes on windows
Hot Chocolate Social - Mug Decorating Party
Gather a few friends and share you favorite hot chocolate recipe: use white coffee mugs and use white board markers to decorate. All done? Change your mind? All you have to do is wipe them off and start again.
Have hot chocolate “add-ons “ to make the hot chocolate even more fun. Everyone can decorate with their own toppers
1. Whipped cream
2. Candy cane bits
3. Cinnamon sticks
4. Mini chocolate, white choc or other flavor chips
5. Candy cane sticks
6. Mini marshmallows
7. Gingerbread crumbles
8. You get the idea =) (YUM!)
Indoor Sports Tournament
{ Via:
the great learning site }
For many places, this time of year means snow, rain, or fog. Brrr! And, unless you take after the athletes at the Winter Games, chances are that sort of weather means staying inside near the heater is much more tempting than trekking out into the cold to play sports. Luckily, we’ve got the perfect activities for all you fair-weather athletes…indoor sock bowling and balloon tennis! Read on to find out how your family can play these fun games with items you probably already have stashed in your garage and closet.
Instruction to make the “sock bowling ball” { via
Handmade Charlotte }
Sock Bowling
What you’ll need:
• One pair of rolled up socks
• 10 empty plastic bottles (any size will do)
1. Place the 10 empty bottles in a pyramid shape, just like bowling pins, at the end of a hallway.
2. Stand at the opposite end of the hallway and toss the rolled up socks at the bottles to see how many you can knock down.
3. Too easy? Try different techniques to throw the socks: Spin around 10 times before bowling at the pins. Turn backwards and throw the socks between your legs. Try bowling with two pairs of rolled up socks at one time. See who can make up the most creative way to bowl.
4. Create a Neighborhood Tournament to get everyone playing.
Balloon Tennis
{ Via:
the great learning site }
What you’ll need:
1. Two wire coat hangers
2. One pair of old nylons (cut in half so that the legs are separate)
3. Masking tape or tin foil
4. One balloon or ping pong ball
5. Scissors
Before you can play, you’ll need to create nylon rackets! Unless you already have some badminton rackets that do just fine too.
1. Start with one wire hanger. Pull on the hook and the opposite side simultaneously in opposite directions, to create a diamond shape.
2. Take one leg of the nylons and pull it all the way down to cover the diamond shaped hanger. You may need to squish the diamond a little bit to make it easier to pull the nylon over the hanger.
3. Tie a knot in the nylon right at the coil of the hanger so the nylon is snug and tight over the diamond. Cut off any excess nylon.
4. Have an adult pinch the hook toward the rest of the hanger. Tape the end to create a safe handle. If you do not have tape, tin foil works just as well to wrap around the handle.
5. Repeat steps 1-4 to create a second racket.
Once you and your child have crafted two rackets: All you need is a balloon or ping pong ball and you are ready to play. Passing the balloon back and forth or counting the number of consecutive hits are great ways to stay entertained.
Tip: Flyswatters work well with balloons, too!
Shredded Snowman
Marie at Make and Takes offers up this very clever snowman craft for kids – and what a brilliant use of shredded paper that you’ll be getting rid of this time of year anyway. It makes a fun card for a teacher, or just hang it on your door if you can’t bear to part with it.
Hope you have a fun holiday!! I’ll be posting our holiday activities on Instagram – make sure you share yours too with #trukid #holidays