I yelled at my kids because my husband and I failed to pay the Comcast bill. I swear I did not get it in the mail (or someone misplaced it) and I know it was not me!
That’s right. …
As if my five-year-old and my eight-year-old have anything to do with whether we pay the Comcast bill on time.
The simple explanation is that I snapped.
I was frustrated. I am a wife, a mother of six, and a business owner. And while I love each of these roles, my days often are nonstop. I pack one responsibility on top of the next.
Even my weekends, when I’m supposed to be recharging, are packed, and by the time I start work on Monday morning, I’m already, or rather still, exhausted and on edge.
And if I roll from one frustrating thing to another, eventually, I . . well . . . snap.
So all my kids got yelled at Monday morning because they happened to be the people standing in front of me when I realized that the system my husband and I created for paying bills did not work.
But the truth is: It doesn’t matter.
In the grand scheme of things, it really doesn’t matter that we were late paying our Comcast bill (which got paid by the way).
And it doesn’t matter that, more often than not, one of my kids leaves his or her backpack on the floor, or that the dishes are almost always left undone.
Most of the really frustrating things are the result of petty irritations that stack on top of one another.
With just a little bit of perspective, it’s obvious that my bill-paying hiccup was far less important than having kids who feel like their mom is in control of her emotions.
I got that perspective on Tuesday night when I was at yoga ...
I think everyone agrees, or at a minimum, I strongly believe, that the best part of yoga is the very end, where we get to just lie there and do nothing.
By just lying there and doing nothing, my mind comes back to center. I regain my focus, and I am able to bring my priorities back into focus (or I just take a nap), whatever.
As parents, as career driven people, as social individuals, we rarely do nothing. We feel guilty if we stop for even a second. There’s just so much to do.
But how many of those things are really important?
If the truth be told, probably not many.
And just like we are diligent about our kids’ skincare and diets, we should be diligent about what we put in their minds.
I have started doing nothing. I have twice laid on my bedroom floor for five minutes after work. Usually my kids will come looking for me after about 5 minutes, so that’s all the time I have. I take this time to focus on the feeling I have in the last few minutes of yoga. I’ll catch my breath, recharge, and do nothing.
Only then can I give my children the attention they deserve.
I encourage you to do nothing too. Or, if you have other ways of recharging, let us know!
P.S. If you have any tips for making sure you have perspective, please leave them on the TruKid blog so that other parents dedicated to giving children a healthy childhood can benefit from your experience …
And then go back to doing nothing!