Father’s Day 2013
My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person, he believed in me. -Jim ValvanoFathers offer a special kind of love—a love that is firm, complex and unyielding, but undoubtedly unconditional. They are as much the pushers as they are the safety net; capturing you in their arms when you take a fall, but also the first to throw you back in the air so that you may learn to fly on your own.
As our strength, we turn to them for reinforcement, confirmation and drive. We expect them to be our rock. As such, it is not often enough that we consider the feelings of our fathers, the sensitive, emotional side that we know they have.
This Father’s Day, pamper and indulge dad with things he will not expect, but certainly deserves:
Cook him breakfast in bed. Remember when you were sick and he made you dinner in bed? Remember the special dinner celebrations? It’s been said time and time again that food is the way to a man’s heart. Wake him up on his special day with something healthy and delicious!
Take him out on a scenic adventure. With hectic schedules, especially as a dad, it’s hard to get out and enjoy the moment. Bask in the sun and take a breath of fresh air in the outdoors. Head to the beach for a soothing walk, or trek around in the woods for more active daddies to unwind and catch up.
Massage. Take dad out for a professional massage or give him one yourself. Touch is the ultimate healing. Offer dad relaxation and the ability to let go for the day.
Do something different. As he’s been your guide growing up, give him a chance to learn something from you. It will be a fun way to connect on a different plane. Or do something neither of you have done before. The experience will allow you to bond.
Ask him what he wants to do. Make his day his. How often is it that we aren’t thinking of ourselves? Consider what your father wants and ask him to choose everything to do and eat for the day. You may be amazed with what he comes up with.